Chef MasterClass

Chef - Configuration Management


Imperative vs Declarative Approach

  • Imperative == Shell Script
  • Declarative == Chef

Push based vs Pull Based Deployments

  • Push Based = Ansible, SaltStack

    • Master server pushes the configurations and softwares to the individual servers
  • Pull Based = Chef, Puppet

    • Individual servers establishes connection with the master server and downloads, installs their required updates whenever needed.
    • Configuration pull is initiated by agent at regular intervals

Chef - Ruby based IT automation tool

Chef Deployment Model

  • Server-Client - Production use cases

    • Master Server can only be Linux
    • Client/Nodes can be Windows or Linux
  • Chef Zero - Development, Testing, POC

user 'username' do
    action: create

Install and configure httpd webserver

### Web Server Installation
package 'httpd' do
     action :install

### Web Server File Confirguration
file '/var/www/html/index.html' do
   content "Getting started with Chef\n"
   action :create

### Web Server Service Startup
service 'httpd' do
    action :start

Chef Components

  1. Chef-Workstation
  2. Chef Server
  3. Chef-Client/Node

Chef Workstation

  • Local Development Platform used to create, test and apply chef codes.
  • Can be a local desktop or laptop with Chef DK (or) Chef Development Kit installed on it.
  • Can be used as Chef Zero for developing, testing and validating chef codes before promoting to production.

Chef Server

  • It is a node which has Chef server installed and configured.
  • It manages chef code in a centralized location.
  • Chef Workstation pushes the cookbooks to the Chef Server.

Chef Client

  • The client node connects to the chef server and pulls the required configuration files and configures them locally.

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